Still touch and go with Wim’s system.
Yes I like the breathing, the meditation, and the health benefits of all of that including the cold showers… but in week 5 Wim wants you to take a 10 minute cold shower every day, and it gets deeper from there. In the beginning the practice was 30 minutes, then 45, now I spend over an hour every day doing the practice, which I believe will continue to increase.
I had to think to myself… do I really see myself submerging myself in ice baths, the lake in winter, climbing mountains, etc, for the rest of my life?
I’m just a little too busy lately to get on board with that deep of a continual practice.
I’ll keep up a schedule of breathing, stretching, and at times starting --but mostly ending-- with cold showers. However I don’t see myself hiking up any mountains without clothes on or jumping into a lake anytime soon. So I’m going to discontinue, at least at this point in my life, going any further with this practice, and just mix in a bit of it into my daily life.
I am reminded of the multiple times in my life where I got into a deep meditation practice, had amazing results and experiences, then life got in the way by keeping me busy. I stopped practicing for a day, two, three, and soon you forget about what results you experienced as if they never happened, and easily discard the practice all together... coming to that realization makes me believe I need to get back on the horse... Maybe when I start focusing on competition again, I will go deeper into the practice to give me a mental edge.
Not that you shouldn’t get into Wim's program! There are tons of awesome people in Wim’s facebook group jumping into lakes, taking ice baths, climbing mountains or even taking out the trash in their shorts. That type of involvement is just not me right now.
Best of luck!