Thursday, October 22, 2015


Hello Earthlings.

I have decided to create a blog to track my progress with the 'Wim Hof Method'.

For anyone that doesn't know or can't find the time to watch the Vice documentary on him, Wim Hof has been able to accomplish amazing tasks that science believed was impossible for the human body to endure. Just a few of his feats include setting a world record by staying up to his neck in ice for two hours with no change in his core body temperature, climbing mount Everest in just boots and shorts, and running a half marathon in the desert with no water and no change to his core body temperature.

Wim has also shown the ability to suppress his immune system when studied by scientists following an injection that should have made him violently ill. He later went on to prove that he can train people to do the same not only in this experiment, but also by leading group expeditions to the top of mountains in just their boots and shorts after four days of training.

Over the last four years I have had experience with different types of meditation and altered states of consciousness which tuned me into a different way of seeing the world. I like to believe I have become a much better person following these experiences, and after watching Vice's documentary on Wim, I was intrigued and inspired.

However life continued to go by and Wim's story was soon forgotten as I was just not at a place in my life at that time to venture back inside myself. I was busy being busy and couldn't justify spending $200 to purchase his information.

Near the end of September I started getting back into a daily meditation practice and I heard that Wim was going to be on the Joe Rogan Podcast. I was excited and spent the next day (im)patiently waiting for it to be uploaded to YouTube. I found myself once again captivated by Wim's story and charisma, and was at a point in my life where I was open and willing to experiment.

The following day I read and watched everything I could on Wim hoping to somehow learn his method for free. While I do think that a man's life's work, especially with the implications Wim is proving in science, is worth much more than what he is asking for it, I wanted it easy.

I gathered what I could and that night sat down and performed Wim's breathing method. On the first 'round' the lightheadedness made me very anxious and my entire body was heating up and sweating. The second round proved more intense, my entire body was tingling and it was as if I could feel my entire nervous system.

I had no sort of strategy on how many times I should be doing the exercises, and after every round since this is a new practice I was afraid I might pass out from lack of oxygen. On the last round my ears started ringing extremely loud and it was a bit scary for me because any time in my life that my ears have rang in such a way, it was during a negative experience.

The ringing subsided after a few minutes and afterwards I had a warm shower and when I thought I was ready, I cut the hot water completely and waited for the cold to hit me.

The cold water made me gasp and I started hyperventilating, choking, and didn't last longer than a few seconds. I knew that this wasn't going to be easy on my own, especially since all my life I have done whatever it has taken to avoid the cold.

That night I joined Wim's facebook group to ask about the buzzing in my ears and to my relief everyone said it was completely normal with one member noting it was due to increased adrenaline.

The next day I danced back and forth with the decision of subscribing to his pay service, and after searching online I was able to find a 25% off coupon. I started thinking about how I have easily spent hundreds of dollars on things that have added little to my life and thought about how much this could do for me, especially in terms of improving my athletic performance and having better control on my mind. Finally I subscribed in fear the coupon might disappear.

The practice starts tomorrow and I am excited to have something new to partake in.


  1. Thanks for putting this together, I saw this linked from Reddit. it's exciting and hopeful to read your progress, I hope you continue to keep the blog going.

    I just started the WHM today (haven't purchased the video course yet) and had a great experience. It was incredible how easy it was to withstand the coldness of shower. I went in for 5 minutes and although it was tough at first it left me feeling incredible. I didn't have overly strong reaction to the breathing however, just a little light headedness, relaxation and tingling. Maybe I will up the breath count to 40-50 next time.

    Again, thanks and hope you keep it up.

  2. Hey, Thanks man! Glad to hear you are into the method! The course is really worth it. I would be lost without it. The Wim Hof facebook group is awesome as well if you have any questions!

  3. After experiencing the results after just 3 days I have decided I will definitely be buying the video course. If anyone else is reading and would like to try the WHM before (or without) purchasing the course have a look at the approach in this article:
